Monday, September 23, 2013

6 Killer Tips For Better Article Writing For Better SEO

Now a day, search engines hate low quality articles. You can’t bring your website in first page of Google if you don’t have enough quality articles. People say Article is king.  Yes, I know better that article is king. After updating SEO methods by Google in 2013 Search Engine Optimization became harder.  There is no way to cheat with Google or other search engines. If you spin an article through any article spinner tool, search engines should not promote your article for ranking in search result. So, what to do? Um Rafiul Islam Tanik giving you some killer tips for writing quality article. Let me start.

A Complete Guide To Increase Ranking And Traffic

Now I’m going to discuss about some killer tips for increase ranking and traffic. I stared this blog 8 months ago and now my blog’s Alexa rank is under 60000. You may know that, Google didn’t update page rank within last 6 months. I hopefully, My this blog get page rank from Google when they should update. Now this time, My blog getting daily 3000+ traffic and near 7000+ page view. So, I’m interesting to share with you that what I actually did within last 8 months. Let me tell my history.

How Many Money You Can Make Monthly On SEO Jobs

I know better from my own experience. SEO is too popular job now. SEO is popular because, most freelancers can understand SEO works easily. SEO is really easy job if you’ve enough knowledge on it. Social Bookmarking is most easy job in SEO jobs. What about social bookmarking? Just visit there register—login—submit information—done!

How to measure the performance of your SEO, if you are doing it right or not?

As a matter of fact SEO (Search engine optimization) is a combination of Science and Art. You can count your site’s SEO performance and also can manage it through those marketing channels. First you should know what you are doing. SEO is not simple, it takes time and patience. Whatever you do, it should be perfect. SEO includes smaller thing like sites look and up to those bigger factors like search or social ranking. To manage what is best for you and you should continue that step or not, I wrote this article. 

How to get benefits of User Generate Content? - Content SEO

If you are tired of writing best quality articles daily then I’ll suggest you to adopt this strategy and earn a lot of revenue from your active site community. It is simple just follow some step and encourage people to write. Wait, what is user generated content? It is a content written by your subscribers or people who occasionally visit your website. You can share some revenue with them or they can just simply submit articles for your website for free.

Tired Of Doing SEO Then Drive Targeted Traffic From STUMBLEUPON:

If you are tired of doing SEO and can’t do it anymore then there is a solution for you. It is simple, reliable and 100% legal. This method doesn’t need any skills in coding and you can get targeted traffic.

What is StumbleUpon: - It is a social networking website which includes all kind of interests that are related to every kind of website, so why this social site is different from others? Well the answer is that it is a link sharing website. Don’t get me wrong, people share links of any website they like. If they like an image, video or an article they share it on StumbleUpon. Mostly the users are from USA. 

Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

I'm Rafiul Islam & Your Are Most Welcome to this article. 

Today, I will discuss about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is very important for making a blog or website more popular. If you want a great traffic in your website then you will must work on On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. This two is very important of SEO.. You can make your blog easily popular If you can do all this thing successfully. Here I will discuss About On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.